Just hours after the ending of a week-long reduction in violence that was crucial for Donald Trump’s peace deal in Afghanistan, the Taliban struck again: On Monday, they killed three people and injured about a dozen at a football match in Khost province.

This resumption of violence will not surprise anyone actually invested in peace for that troubled country.

The point of the US-Taliban deal was never peace. It was to try and cover up an ignominious exit for the US, driven by an election-bound president who feels no responsibility towards that country or to the broader region.

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Seen from South Asia, every point we know about in the agreement is a concession by Trump to the Taliban. Most importantly, it completes a long-term effort by the US to delegitimise the elected government in Kabul and, by extension, Afghanistan’s constitution. Afghanistan’s president is already baulking at releasing 5,000 Taliban prisoners before the intra-Afghan talks can begin, a provision that his government did not approve.

Validating Taliban

One particularly cringe-worthy aspect: The agreement refers to the Taliban throughout as the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, that is not recognised by the United States as a State, and is known as the Taliban.

This unwieldy nomenclature validates the Taliban’s claim to be a government equivalent to the one in Kabul, just not the one recognised at the moment by the US. When read together with the second part of the agreement, which binds the US to not intervene in (Afghanistan’s) domestic affairs, the point is obvious: The Taliban is not interested in peace, but in ensuring that support for its rivals is forbidden, and its path to Kabul is cleared.

All that the US has effectively gotten in return is the Taliban’s assurance that it will not allow the soil of Afghanistan to be used against the US and its allies. True, the US under Trump has shown a disturbing willingness to trust solemn assurances from autocrats; but its apparent belief in promises made by a murderous theocratic movement is even more ridiculous. Especially as the Taliban made much the same promise to an Assistant Secretary of State about Osama bin Laden while he was in the country plotting 9/11.

Nobody in the region is pleased with this agreement except for the Taliban and their backers in the Pakistani military.

India has consistently held that the legitimate government in Kabul must be the basic anchor of any peace plan. Ordinary Afghans, unsurprisingly, long for peace but they are, by all accounts, deeply sceptical about how this deal will get them there.

The brave activists of the Afghan Women’s Network are worried that intra-Afghan talks will take place without adequate representation of the country’s women who have, after all, the most to lose from a return to Taliban rule.

But the Pakistani military establishment is not hiding its glee. One retired general tweeted: Big victory for Afghan Taliban as historic accord signed Forced Americans to negotiate an accord from the position of parity. Setback for India.

Pakistan’s army, the Taliban’s biggest backer, longs to re-install a friendly Islamist regime in Kabul and it has correctly estimated that, after being abandoned by Trump, the Afghan government will have sharply reduced bargaining power in any intra-Afghan peace talks. A deal with the Taliban that fails also to include its backers in the Pakistani military is meaningless.

India, meanwhile, will not see this deal as a positive for regional peace or its relationship with the US. It comes barely a week after Trump’s India visit, which made it painfully clear that shared strategic concerns are the only thing keeping the countries together.

New Delhi remembers that India is not, on paper, a US ally. In that respect, an intensification of terrorism targeting India, as happened the last time the US withdrew from the region, would not even be a violation of Trump’s agreement.

One possible outcome: Over time the government in New Delhi, which has resolutely sought to keep its ties with Kabul primarily political, may have to step up security cooperation. Nobody knows where that would lead.

Abandoning Afghanistan

The irresponsible concessions made by the US in this agreement will likely disrupt South Asia for years to come, and endanger its own relationship with India going forward.

But worst of all, this deal abandons those in Afghanistan who, under the shadow of war, tried to develop, for the first time, institutions that work for all Afghans. No amount of sanctimony about ending America’s longest war should obscure the danger and immorality of this sort of exit.

(Mihir Sharma is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist.)